Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Untitled 8

I was told
at a very young age
that dreams portray
the opposite of reality
While it seemed trivial
never held sway
It felt real to me
while under the spell

An old sage
once wondered
after waking
from his slumber
where he can fly
as a butterfly
He asked himself
whether he is man
thinking of wings
or actually an insect
dreaming as a man

When I wake
from my dreams
I seldom remember
nor understand
what they mean
But that which
always stays with me
are the emotions
the dream constructs
they made me see
made me feel
made me hear
what should be laid bare

It sticks to my soul
as I wander
throughout the day
It does hold sway
even if I don't remember
As I work on earthly goals
sweat for my meals
practice my craft
toil for the bills
the dreams stayed with me
and it was never enough

I was also told
at a very young age
That one can get lost
inside his own dream
You just need to wear
your clothes inside out
and like magic, they swear
you will find your way out
But now I wonder
why I am having problems
finding my own path
back to my shelter
a trail that will
wake me from my slumber

Now I even wonder
why the clothing trick
no longer works
Is it because
the dream changed its tick
Or was it just me
pretending to see in the thick
of the forest path as it forks
just a distance
after seeing it split
Seeing that this pattern
simply repeats
Unending, infinite
like a wicked joke
as you walk through Elm street

I was told
at a very young age
I make my own dreams
and they tell me
what I really want
though it always ends
the same in real life
you can't get hold of it
For the dream
is but your escape
to cope and adjust
to replenish and recuperate

'Cause a wise man once said
that life is always
stranger than fiction
I say even worse
for life never compensates
and it never cares
for your emotions
It teases but will never
play shrink for your adulation
it will not even
give you its full attention

And life is
at the same time
better than your dreams
For your dreams crumble
as soon as you wake up
Whilst life, on the other hand
only starts to get better
once you gave up
on the idea
that everything
revolves around you

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